May 10, 2019
Our Mohawk drivers are known for going above and beyond to deliver premier service to our customers each and every day. And, they’re also known for taking action and helping others if they come across an emergency while on the road.
That’s what Local Truck Driver David Jarrett did early one Sunday a few weeks ago. As a driver with almost 20 years of experience and five years with Mohawk, he had never come across an accident where anyone needed immediate assistance. However, on his way to make a delivery to a facility in Northwest Georgia around 2 a.m. that day, he came upon a car that was flipped over on the side of the road in a field.
“The car’s lights were still on, so I knew that the accident must have just happened when I came up to it,” David said. “I pulled off and went to go check on them, and at first I couldn’t see anyone with the airbags deployed and I couldn’t hear anything either. I was talking to a 911 operator when the two young women in the car starting calling out for help. I asked the 911 operator if I could pull them out of the vehicle because we were concerned it might catch fire, and they gave me the go ahead to help them get out.”
Soon after that the police and ambulance arrived, and the two girls were taken to the hospital, though they are expected to have a full recovery. One of them called David a couple of days later to thank him for his help in rescuing them.
“I saw someone in need and knew I had to get out and help,” David said. “I didn’t think about it much because I just had to do it. After being at the scene for about an hour and 45 minutes, I continued on my way with my delivery. I’m glad I was there to help and that everyone is going to be all right.”
This isn’t the first time a driver has been recognized for helping their coworkers or people who need a helping hand.
“Our Mohawk drivers continue to impress all of us in the actions they take when someone is in need,” Manager of Transportation Matt West said. “It can be something small like supporting a coworker by mowing their yard or helping a complete stranger in distress on the side of the road. They go above and beyond to help their neighbors, and we’re proud of all that our dedicated team of drivers does for others.”